by Social Eyes Marketing | Jan 31, 2021 | Chloramine, Chlorine, Health, Home Water Purification System
When you mix chlorine and ammonia together it becomes a disinfectant called Chloramine. Chloramine is dangerous because it is used in some water utilities distribution facilities because it is more stable than Chlorine, but the dangerous effects can last a long time....
by Social Eyes Marketing | Jan 31, 2021 | Drinking Water and Cancer Risk, Health, Infants and Elderly, News Worthy, Radium and Radon
When Radium decays which is a natural process in nature, it turns into a gas and is called Radon. It gets into our water system through the air and ground. It is difficult to detect because you cannot see, smell or taste it even though you maybe drinking it. It can...
by Social Eyes Marketing | Jan 23, 2021 | Arsenic, Drinking Water and Cancer Risk, Minerals
Arsenic is airborne and it can leached through rocks and soil and enter your water source. It’s used in pesticides, tobacco, wood preservatives and it is released in the environment by volcanoes and mining processes. Arsenic gets into the body through consumption of...
by Social Eyes Marketing | Jan 12, 2021 | Brown, Iron, Yellow Water
Brown or Yellow Water If you are witnessing brown or yellowish water it could be Tannins in your city or well water. Tannis is the natural breakdown of organic or decaying vegetation. It also might be a build up of sediment in your pipes. If it is in your plumbing it...
by Social Eyes Marketing | Jan 12, 2021 | Appliance Repair, Hard Water, Skin & Hair, Tap Water, Turbidity In Water
What’s the difference between hardness and TDS? Hardness can be measured in grains per gallon and is minerals calcium and magnesium that become hard as a rock and is difficult to remove. Hardness can ruin your appliances, make your hair dry and even cause hair loss....